We at YASH FOOT CREATION, wish to enhance your journey with our easy on feet shoes. We are parents and like you we want the best for our kids (and our wallets) without having to wade through traffic or mediocrity. With this in mind, YASH FOOT CREATION was born. We believe that childhood is a celebration and every attire is incomplete without a perfect pair of shoes. Our sole motto is to provide hand crafted, breathe easy, flexible shoes of select quality, 100% comfort, thoughtful and easy on the feet design with room to grow at affordable prices.
Born in the year 1996, YASH FOOT CREATION, first strengthened it’s hold in domestic market and today we have managed to establish ourselves in the major SAARC countries like Srilanka, Dubai etc.
Today we are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of premium qualiy rexine and cloth footwear in the world. Our major clients are Max, Khadim’s and major shoe brands.