ZETRO Electronics is your one-stop destination for all your electronic components needs. We are a trusted wholesale dealer, trader, supplier and exporter of a wide range of relays, IC, semiconductors, circuits and other electronic components at competitive prices. We offer high-quality products such as sugar cube relays, PCB relays, power relays, automotive, latching relays, plug-in relays in various specifications as 12 volts, 24 volts, 7A, 10A, 15A, 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A, 80A, 100A, T type, square type, horizontal, vertical relays and applications. We also provide relays for Stabilizers, Inverters, ARD (Automatic Rescue Device), Elevator control panel, Automation, Pump / Motor Controllers, Domestic Appliances, Air Conditioners, HVAC, Contactor Replacement, ELCB, Phase Changer, Genset Changeover, Welding Machines, Smart Meter, Prepayment Energy Meter, AMR System, Automatic Control System, Compound Switch uses and more.

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