Mr. Butler Sodamaker


With Mr. Butler Sodamaker, you can turn water into fresh sparkling soda at home in seconds – using no battery or electricity! In 1982, Mr. Butler launched Asia’s first Sodamaker, an innovative, eco friendly and economical way of making fizzy drinks at home. The New Mr. Butler Italia is designed by world-renowned design firm - IDEA Institute, Italy and sets a benchmark in quality, design and convenience.
With Mr. Butler Soft Drink Concentrate flavours, you can make your own soft drinks at home at a fraction of the cost you would otherwise pay for store brands. Remember, every time you make your own soft drink instead of buying it from the store, you are saving the planet from plastic waste from disposal as well as pollution caused from the transportation of those bottles.
Mr. Butler PET Bottles are different from the usual throw-away Pet Bottle in the market.They are BPA free and are designed for repeated carbonation and may be reused for up to 2 years. These Bottles have screw-on caps that enable you to store sodas or aerated drinks for later use, with no gas loss. These beautifully designed, high quality bottles can also be used as water bottles in your home.  

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