is a registered website of the company ‘Surat Fabrics’ which works under the care of companies ‘Shree Creation’, ‘Ram Brothers’ and ‘Ram Silk Mills’. These Companies have been working in the textile industry for past 25 years manufacturing Suits, Sarees and dyed fabrics. was established in the year 2014′ at Surat, India, as Surat’s Online Wholesale Textile Market. We are the notified and distinguished organization in manufacturing, supplying and exporting a comprehensive range of Textile Goods and Fabrics. Our Company is engaged in manufacturing, supplying and export a wide range of ladies wear such as Designer Sarees, Casual Sarees, Bridal Lehenga, Party Wear Suits, Salwar kameez, Designer Suits, Print Suits, Casual Kurtis, Silk Sarees,...Read more

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