SRS is established in the year 1975 by a Visionary Entrepreneur P.S.K.SUBRAMANIYAN. Initially we started our company to trade the Lungies for the needs of the Tamilnadu Customers. Later we started our own production and expanded our production across Tamilnadu. Gradually we export our production to Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. After that we progress to export our things to SriLanka, UAE, and Saudi Arabia for Market Expansion. Today the company has moved into more textile varieties like Dothies, Towels, 3/4ths, Bermudas, Inner Wears distribution, Nighties, Kerchiefs, Shirts and many related textile items.

With 30 years’ experience having long-standing background and...Read more

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