The Inspiration Behind BloomingGreens


Great minds and bodies are made in kitchen. This saying has been substantiated by our traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda. Further, a series of scientific experiments have also verified that our social behavior and thinking is shaped by whatever we consume from our environment. It was till 90s that we observed less number of degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes etc. Owing to our balanced diet at our conventional households, we used to get all our nutrition from the three meals of the day.

Things changed and we changed too. Gradually, we became busy in our professional and personal pursuits and the balanced diet replaced the food supplements like proteins, vitamins, and Omega 3 supplements. Each tablet was accompanied with a bulk of other unrequired chemicals that cause those crippling diseases in our body. My Intention is to adhere to our traditional ways of getting nutrition from the nature and benefitting maximum from it.

The life (Prana), live enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, trace minerals, RNA, DNA, oxygen and other secret elements which only nature possesses, are available only in traditionally grown microgreens, and can never be given by a pill.



From the outside, our farm resembles nothing more than a greenhouse sitting quietly inside a farm. Numerous rows of microgreens line up, tray after tray, until it is time to harvest. Trays are...Read more

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