Products Details

Air Cannon Solutions

Keep material flowing efficiently from start to finish!


At Martin Engineering, we are dedicated to helping you boost profits by keeping your product flowing with as little unscheduled downtime as possible. Our air cannons release timed bursts of compressed air that break up accumulations and bottlenecks in process vessels without damaging your equipment. We also offer innovative nozzles that can be removed easily from the outside for cleaning or replacement without having to remove the entire air cannon, as well as high-quality valve assemblies and electronic controls.

In addition to air cannons, we are a global leader in manufacturing industrial vibrators, which are effective in a wide range of applications, especially involving bulk materials with small particle sizes or situations where the equipment can’t be permanently installed, such as a dump truck bed.

By eliminating obstructions and buildups that restrict flow, your operation can process more material faster, resulting in multiple positive outcomes, such as:

  • More profits - Keeping material flowing at top efficiency and maximum throughput means more revenues and more profits.
  • Improved efficiency - Eliminating obstructions and buildup substantially improves throughput without adding significant labor or energy costs.
  • Safer work conditions - Workers no longer have to climb inside containers or under unloading ports to break up blockages manually.
  • Less wear and tear on equipment - Cleaning and unblocking bulk materials manually requires tools that damage equipment over time, while air cannons use harmless bursts of air.
  • Reduced downtime - Because the air cannon fires at timed intervals, material doesn’t have a chance to build up in the first place, so there’s no need to shut down to remove obstructions.


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