Karela Jamun Gular plus is mainly manufactured for the diabetic patient. For the best result to control sugar level use our one more product Diabago. Helps in curing from intestinal worms, skin disease, wounds and acts as blood purifier. Our basic aim is to satisfy our customer by every means. Keeping that in mind we always concentrate on each and every things starting from composition, packing, costing and dispatching product from manufacturer to the customer. We have used plastic coned shaped dark colour bottle so that it can be easily carried and also looks attractive. Use of dark colour does not allow light to pass through thus helps in protecting juice from harmful rays. We have tried our best to keep our product economical so that it can be consumed by each and every individual.
Main ingredients : Karela, Jamun, Gular, Bargad, Aloe Vera.
Benefits of Karela Jamun Gular plus
Dose : 10 to 15ml twice daily with water Or as per prescribed by physician.
Introductry Price @ 25% Discount + Billing Price
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