Hearing Solutions India


Dysarthria is a speech disorder which is caused due to weakness in the muscles. Weakness in the muscles is due to the damage in the brain after meeting with a stroke or an accident. It is a motor speech disorder which is directly connected to the muscles contractions. Generally, we use muscles to talk like the muscles of the face, lips, tongue and throat will not respond appropriately. This weakness in the muscles will make a person have a slurred speech or mumbles speech, either speak very fast or very slow.

A person with Dysarthria will not be able to move the tongue, lips, jaw etc. Sometimes the voice will change completely or changes to hoarse or breathy, stuffy nose etc. People with Dysarthria have to visit a Speech Pathologist to talk to get betterment in the condition. A Speech Pathologist will provide certain therapies like checking with the listening, drawing, writing, pointing of the words and many other such therapies which will help the person to improve their communication skills. Hearing Solutions have experienced Speech Pathologist who will perform the speech therapies to make the person better


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