Products Details

Environmental Assessment

CDG's 'Environmental Assessment' services provide a 360-degree solution to a business to manage the impact of its activities on surroundings. Environmental Assessment (EA) is also necessary for predicting the impacts of a planned action before it is actually implemented. An EA is generally used to understand the impacts of action with systematic and focused analysis. We provide a detailed assessment report which includes identification of all possible present & potential environmental hazards.

Our Environmental inspection services focus on the following areas: Land pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Noise Pollution. Compliance with emission norms and better upkeeping of direct surroundings. Our Environmental inspection checklist includes requirements from: national (The Environment Protection Act, 1986, The Air Act, 1981, The Water Act 1974, etc) & international environmental laws (UN Environment Assembly & its Declarations). We also incorporate requirements from prominent environmental standards like ISO 14001:2015.


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