Products Details

Factory Inspection


CDG has been a market leader in factory compliance audit services. Our factory compliance inspection service is specially designed to fulfil the requirements (supplier evaluation/vendor evaluation) of a potential buyer.

Our qualified auditors independently assess everything from production capacities and quality control systems to staff facilities and working conditions. We go on site and get the information you need to ensure high-quality suppliers.

Confirm your factory has the production capacity and quality to meet your production needs.

Our factory inspection services include the following aspects:
  • Verifying the legal status of a factory (compliance with different regulatory & statutory requirements applicable to factory/business. This includes verification of required mandatory licensing & registration).
  • A detailed report of factory infrastructure (building, machinery, manpower, production capacity, etc).
  • Business analysis report (viz; past business performance, past order completion & delivery evaluation).
  • CSR Compliance & adherence to different social / labor welfare standards (ex; ETI base code, ILO conventions, etc).
  • Compliance with Indian factories Act 1948.
  • Occupational health & safety (safety, health, efficiency and well-being of the persons at workplaces).
  • Financial stability assessment (if specially agreed between the buyer & factory/supplier).
Benefits of our factory inspection services
  • For Buyer: The buyer gets a detailed report of your suppliers before finalization of the deal. Our factory compliance audit service ensures that the buyer's interest is safeguarded.
  • For Buyer: The buyer gets a detailed report of your suppliers before finalization of the deal. Our factory compliance audit service ensures that the buyer's interest is safeguarded.

CDG is an accredited inspection body for ‘factory compliance’ (as an approved scope). Before selecting any inspection agency always ask for their accreditation status & scope. A non-accredited agency may not be efficient to conduct factory compliance inspections adequately & efficiently.



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