Products Details



"Hydro Test Pump" or "

Hydro Testing Pump

" is a working procedure for high-pressure testing of tubes, pipes, cylinder, and hydro test of pressure valves, boilers. It also helps to check any leakage or defects in casting components. With a high-pressure plunger pump, the pump's pressure is increased at a set point and time.

Hydro Pressure Test Pumps

 are inspected thoroughly to determine the leakages to reduce the set pressure point.


Ambica Machine Tools, a well-known

hydro Test Pump Manufacturer In India

, offers efficient, compact and cost effective equipment to test the water pressure and flow.

 Hydro Pressure Test Pump

 usually ranges from 1 lpm to 770 lpm. Bearing pumps ranges up to 2800 bar. Hydro testing pumps are designed to check the pressure valves, plumbing lines, and sprinkler systems for both residential and commercial spaces. To serve them, we provide a wide range of hydrostatic test pumps.


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